HealthApp will be #TCDisrupt in San Francisco, the global event for innovative startups

HealthApp will be #TCDisrupt in San Francisco, the global event for innovative startups

From September 12th through 14th, HealthApp will take place on TechCrunch’s Disrupt SF 2016. TechCrunch’s Disrupt is the world’s leading authority in debuting revolutionary startups, introducing game-changing technologies and discussing what’s top of mind for the tech industry’s key innovators, bringing together more tan 5,000 entrepreneurs from around the world.

HealthApp will be there presenting our TCApp, a mobile application for treating anorexia, bulimia and other Eating Disorders. And we will also take the opportunity to present our coming projects.

Our 2 cofounders, Jordi Cusidó and Jordina Arcal, talk about the significance of being in such an important event:



Jordi Cusidó – CEO & Co-founder

” TechCrunch’s Disrupt SF 2016 is a very important event for us because we’ll have the opportunity to contact with the main technological investors worldwide. This can represent a turning point for taking off our project. We expect to hold lots of meetings and establish new relations with the aim of opening a subsidiary for entering the US market.”



Jordina Arcal – CMO & Co-fundadora

“We are very excited to participate in such an important event! We hope to become part of technological Startups’ elite and boost our project thanks to TechCrunch’s Disrupt. We are looking forward to arriving there and give our best!”



La presencia de Healthapp en el Disrupt de San Francisco es posible gracias a la colaboración de ACCIÓ.

HealthApp participation on TechCrunch’s Disrupt SF 2016 is possible thanks to ACCIÓ (Government of Catalonia).

During the event we will post our activities, therefore we encourage you to follow us on social media, so you will be updated with what is going on at the TechCrunch’s Disrupt SF 2016.




#cat2sv #tcdisrupt #tcapp