21 Sep HealthApp on a mission of the government to Massachusetts
10 Catalan companies travel to Massachusetts to search for business opportunities in the field of big data applied to health
The Mission is organized by La Generalitat through Acció -the agency for the competitiveness of entrepreneurial- and Biocat, the entity that coordinates and promotes the sector of the life sciences and health in Catalonia.
With this HealthApp and the other companies in the program will meet in the event Bio IT World more than 3,000 companies and professionals from 30 countries to learn about the latest trends and make networking between stakeholders in the sector of health.
HealthApp will have the opportunity to present their projects to US investment fund for financing and find new business partners in order to internationalize its technology.
In relation to this program HealthApp appears in different digital channels and newspapers.
For more information you can read the whole articles in the following links: